The Basics Beginners guide
Quick Information

The Intralink is our idea to bring people together, Even if they don't share a server. In it's most basic sense it's like the internet. A user can register up to 10 addresses at a time. Afterwards, they have the ability to customize the address with any ARS they want. Mini games ect. Now, The neat thing about the Intralink is no matter where they are visiting from DM or Channel The data will be shared between everyone. Which makes the possibility for multiplayer games and more!

Visiting Addresses via DM

First step: Open up an DM Channel with Echo And than type ars://Intralink
Now, usually in the topic they will give you a command to type in order to see their list. You can also type the command :readinfo to view their topic and description. For the official Intralink address the command is ?help

Visiting Addresses in Servers

If you're familiar with locking profiles to a channel, This is almost the same thing. However, Instead of a profile you're locking down an ars:// address. example .lockprofile ars://Intralink

Private Addresses And Passwords

If you're trying to get into your address via DM. And you know the pass type ars://YourAddress:YourPassword
If you're trying with a server you'd type: .lockprofile ars://YourAddress:YourPassword
If you want to set a password, Visit the address you wish to lock a password to. Afterwards simply type :setpass NewPasswordHere You can always clear your password which will make your server public again by typing :clearpass

List and Cancel Addresses

To cancel an address simply type :cancel >address> Once you cancel an address you will need to remove any channels linked to the address!
To list your current addresses type :list

Commands List
Commands Description Permissions
:readinfo View some information and the description of the current address. Anyone
:list View your registered addresses Anyone
:register <address> Registers an address under your account and is made public. Anyone
:cancel <address> Cancels an address from your account and the public. Anyone
:setpass <password> Sets the address to private and sets the password. Owner
:clearpass Clears any password and sets address to public. Owner
:topic <text> Sets the address topic that people see when they join. Staff
:desc <text> Sets the address description that's available in :readinfo Staff
:create -db <dbname> Creates a new database for the address. Staff
:view -db <dbname> Views the database contents for the address. Staff
:delete -db <dbname> Deletes the database for the address. Staff
:viewdbs Views the available databases in the address. Staff
:grabdb <dbname> Echo will upload the database for download. Staff
:ars2snippet Echo will convert your ARS to a snippet and upload the file for download. Staff
:extract trigger Echo will convert a rule into a snippet file for download. Staff
:auto trigger={init}response Create an ARS Rule for the address. Staff
:viewauto Views the ARS file for the address. Staff
:inspect <trigger> Views the specific ARS Rule. Staff
:delauto <trigger> Deletes a rule fron the ARS file for the address Staff
:stafflist Views the staff list on the address. Staff
:staff -a <user> adds a user to the staff ID or mention. Staff
:staff -d <user> removes a user from the staff ID or mention. Staff
Public Servers


By: Management

Description: The Official Intralink address. Shows a list of available commands and more!


By: Management

Description: The Official Discord Server List address. Post your server and bump it to get more people to your server!